Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time For A Vacation

Ahhh to get away on vacation. It is such a simple gesture with such a profound impact on our health and well-being. Be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual a vacation from the mundane life helps nurture every aspect of our being. Knowing that an escape can renew and invigorate our existence should be enough to get you on the phone to your travel agent.

In our go-go culture we are expected to take only one or two vacations per year. This is not nearly enough. We attempt to cram all that we intuitively know we need into a condensed week or two and come home from vacation in need of a vacation!

Short of joining an ashram and sitting in lotus position for an entire week there is not much that is relaxing about today’s “vacation”. What we need and the brain requires is quiet time to reflect and reorganize. The brain is an absolutely amazing computing tool. It only requires a bit of focused quiet time to keep the hard drive clean, clear and running smoothly. I submit that this is what a true vacation should be: a period of quiet contemplation coupled with some great fun.

If the ideal vacation could be summed in a short sentence it should read: I laughed all day and slept like a baby each night! A vacation should be sweet to the soul. Famous destinations all have a similar thread…each is inspiring, rejuvenating and recalibrates healthy priorities. Trips to awe inspiring destinations have a way of lifting us up into the realm of spirit where great healing and freedom is found.

Whatever it means to you do yourself the favor of taking a vacation whenever possible. Whether for an hour, a weekend or a fortnight, keep on the lookout for creative ways to sneak in short, sweet and indulgent vacations. Do it for you, your family and the world. It will be a better world when we treat ourselves with kindness and to the gift of true rest and relaxation.

Shawn of Hypnofreedom.com

Copyright 2009. If you would like to reproduce the content contained in this article, please reference: http://www.hypno-freedom.com.

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