Sunday, August 10, 2008

Anti-Oxidants: Take These Daily For Optimal Health

Antioxidants quite literally are one of the most important benefits derived from our diet. Sadly, most of us are not getting enough antioxidants to combat the daily stressors we will encounter. From electropollution (go to, to hormones and pesticides, our modern bodies are subjected to exponentially more stressors than our more organic ancestors.

Imagine that your body is a filter and pollution and toxins are that which clog the filter. Antioxidants then are the most important inhibitor of toxins known as free radicals. These "free radicals" (sounds like a new age band!) can destroy the body’s ability to function and filter properly. Over time all systems shut down as the body filter is clogged and hammered by free radicals.

Stress relief comes in many powerful forms. If relaxation for the mind is one of our HypnoFreedom sessions, imagine then antioxidants to be intense relaxation for the body. The body protected by a high daily dose of various powerful antioxidants can rest assured and truly embody a stress free existence. Antioxidants are like medicinal flowers for the soldiers of your immune system. As the soldiers march in peace your body will live in abundance of health and utterly relaxed.

To live a stress free life your most powerful tool is the brain. Your brain’s ability to imagine and create pictures and feelings of peace is stimulated by our guided hypnotherapy sessions. Trusting your body and mind to perform at optimum potential requires a daily dose of quiet meditation and application of self-hypnosis such as we offer here at As you are guided into self-hypnosis your brain is for a time quite active and searching for the right combination of food derived antioxidants to combat free radicals created by excessive pollutants, abusive or repetitive thoughts.

You will find high antioxidant levels in foods such as blueberries, leafy greens, clove and cinnamon or the highest antioxidant concentrated whole food supplement such as the one found here:

The benefit of whole food supplements is now far greater than ever before (affordable, delicious and sustainable too!). Since we are so inundated with toxins we truly need now awareness and daily doses of the highest concentrated antioxidant rich foods to support the systems of the body to live relaxed and free of stress. Stress reduction occurs from within in the form of nourishment for the mind, body and soul.

Take the time now to experience an advanced HypnoFreedom session whether beginner or expert. Feed your body smart. Start now to live a longer more prosperous life.

Love long and abundantly!

Shawn of

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