Saturday, December 22, 2007

An Adventurous Spirit

Life is a wondrous, exciting adventure. It was never intended for us to sit on the sidelines in perfection and simply watch it go by. No, it was meant and planned for us to enjoy, participate, grow, and expand from all its various potentials, trials, and breakthroughs. This is a story about a little girl who realized her worth, her connection to Spirit, and the meaning of the adventure.

Her name and gender is not the point of this story, but we needed a focal point, so we will call her Truly. Now Truly was a wise individual, as we all are but don't always consciously realize it. She lived in a little town on a little mountain surrounded by woodlands. She had a good life, with loving people who surrounded her—loving parents, good friends and family. Truly was greatly loved by all, for it was easy to see and feel the spark of light, love and Spirit within her. Though she did not consciously know it, every moment of every day, Truly was sending a thought out into the Universe, "Dear Spirit, I love you. Please lead me to do what I am meant to do in this life. Let me be in the right place always so that I may do my true work."

As the years went by, Truly would spend time every day playing in joy, just being in the moment. At times like that, she would unconsciously be sending out the thought, "Dear Spirit, I love you. Please lead me to do what I am meant to do in this life. Let me be in the right place always so that I may do my true work. And let me know that I am not alone, but guided by your Presence."

One day, a wind storm came upon the land. This wind was hot and had a powerful force blowing leaves, and soon, debris from the woods and the homes nestled throughout. The wind blew so hard, the trees began to bend and sway; the mountain's boulders, stationary for eons, came loose and began crashing down the mountain, ripping trees and homes alike in their downward descent. Truly was astonished at the ferocity of the elements. Never had anything like this happened in her sweet little mountain home. Surely the wind would soon stop. And surely her own home would be spared by Spirit from the devastation!

But the wind didn't stop. And it seemed that even Truly's very own home was in danger's path. So she, and her entire family, left the little mountain with the rest of the community members. Truly did not play that day, aghast at how Spirit could abandon them like this. She, like so many others, was in complete and total fear. It swept over her just as the hot wind swept over her beloved home. In her complete terror, she did not look around to see all the others who were just as terrified. She kept her head down in fear, until she couldn't stand it any longer.

Truly felt betrayed. She felt devastated and abandoned by Spirit. She felt she did not deserve this! And in that moment, anger took over. She was furious that something like this could happen to her, a happy, innocent, loving child of the Universe. What kind of Spirit would do this to such innocence? How can this be her reward for all of her light and spirit? She stood up, and began to look around. She was astonished at what she saw.

All around her was her very own community—her family, her friends, her world. She looked into their faces and saw their fear, their vulnerability. Truly came to a sudden and full realization: She was still a bit angry, but not afraid. There was power in anger, but none whatsoever in fear. Truly began to go from person to person, each one in turn, and tell them of her love for connection and Spirit; that Spirit is in all of us and that it never fails no matter what. No matter what it looks like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that truly counts. And on the inside we are all truly safe—we are an extension of Spirit.

Throughout the windstorm, Truly made her way from person to person, telling them of their true safety, their inner power, spirit and wisdom. Some people started to sing to the children. Others shared personal stories of triumph and humor. The fear diminished and the terror was completely gone. As Truly worked, the storm began to subside, until finally, it died down completely. As quickly as it had arrived, it was gone. The people were informed that they could now return to their beloved mountain town, and they made their way back to see what had become of their homes.

Of course, as expected, some found their homes completely devastated. Others had major and minor damage. Others still had almost no damage whatsoever. Truly found her house was one of the worst hit. At first, she went back into her fear, then the anger came again. But finally, she realized that the most important thing was her own spark, her own connection to Spirit, and that she and her family and loved ones where all with her. This terrifying event sparked something in her. She found her fear, faced it, and found her power, strength, and love. And through it all, she was surrounded by all those who loved her dearly. And most importantly of all, she found that she had been guided, not only by her entire community and family, but by the never-ending spring of love and connection to All-That-Is—her beloved Spirit.

And so, Truly faced her work head on, and found what had profound meaning to her: Helping others walk in the light of love, joy, and truth. Her work was to show the world that life is to be lived in ALL its aspects, even in the worst of times (most especially in the worst of times!). There would be times when things seem to go "wrong," but in those times, Truly now knew that if she was there, then there was something important for her to do, even if it was just to hold someone's hand. This was the lesson Spirit had shown her through the adventure of the windstorm.

And to this day, she now consciously says each day, "Dear Spirit, I love you. Please lead me to do what I am meant to do in this life. Let me be in the right place always so that I may do my true work. And Spirit, I know that I am always truly guided by your Presence."

Kim Markison for
Copyright 2007. If you would like to reproduce the content contained in this article, please reference:

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