Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Statement That Caused A Fence

Let us talk about intention. With so much of the national dialog of late centered around health and wellness just how important is intention toward the ideals of mind and body? Close your eyes and realize everything surrounding you is a life we have created through the focus of the mind. Every object created, tallest mountain climbed, innovation brought to fruition was once a thought of a connected human. It is intention that sets the vibration, want or expectation that begins a universal and perfected unfolding of events that see it done. Ask with intent and it is given every time.

Some see intent like children penciling a wish list for toys. The aware adult seeks slightly differently and in a more refined manner. As a child one wants little and simply is pure being. An adult over time learns to discern likes and dislikes and refines what he or she wants life to provide. It is how we feel while pondering likes and dislikes that can cause strife, depression and lack or divine ecstasy. Feeling great while imagining a hope, goal or desire is easy; now find the way that works best to feel great when the stakes are down and your intent becomes pure across the board. This is where life really begins!

An enlightened adult seeks to accomplish through focus and intention the achievement of peace, non-resistance in all moments. Considering that all thought and feeling is vibration and intention we must intend now to seek and allow thoughts and feelings of increasing ease and joy. When this is achieved in all moments from nirvana to noon traffic then we are naturally allowing freedom of expression and expansion. In this place of divine non-resistance such lives called miraculous are created.

Enlightened adults are often fully present (i.e. aware) from young ages; the youngest adult I ever encountered was in the body of a thirteen year-old boy from a Caribbean island. I was twenty years old at the time and had conversations with him that continue to surpass nearly all conversations I have experienced subsequently in scope, intellect and wit, with hundreds of adults. His intent at that time was most inspiring. He wanted one thing with such dedication and absolute understanding that if he intended it would exceptions.

Asking with the intent to feel good yields an answer every time. Intention is the first step to a healthy, strong yet supple, easy and relaxed existence. Envision it and then simply allow it to come. Allow it to come by exerting your will on the one thing that you and no one else can: your feelings. Feel good no matter what the thought or outside influence and you will create a state of allowing. In this space all the resources and people and events come easily toward the achievement of your goals, hopes and dreams. And like my friend the thirteen year-old you will achieve your goals be they fame, fortune or simple relaxation…anything. For him it was a dream to be an attorney like his mother. What is your dream?

Shawn of

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